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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2017

How to Get Your Metabolism Up: 3 Tricks to Burn Calories on the Fly

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Do you want to know how to get your metabolism up for good. A big part of what helps is your genetics. Some of us are just more prone to burning fat or calories at a faster rate. This article is all about how to make this happen for you no matter what your genetics are. Read on to get the real inside scoop on this topic at hand. Trick #1: Quit Your 3 Meals a Day First off, it is recommended that you cut out the 3 meals a day routine. This has been a standard of most people,yet it is not necessarily the best practice. When you only have 3 meals a day it makes you more prone to over eat at these times. The best thing to do to solve this is to increase the number of times you eat but decrease the serving amounts. You could start off with a good breakfast of oatmeal, bacon and a piece of fruit. Then, your next small meal could be about 3 hours later with raisins and nuts. Your day would progress on like this until you have reached 5 to 6 meals. You will find that your mind will not be ...

How To Build Muscle Fast on A Budget: Top 7 Cheapest Sources of Protein

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Especially when learning how to build muscle fast, one of the most important aspects that should be taken care of is formulating the right nutritional plan. As we all know, it should have the correct amount of vitamins and nutrients so as to amp up your body with the right energy levels and help you last through the entire duration of the muscle building routine. Also, knowing what to eat will help ensure growth of quality mass instead of all that flab. One of the most important and key nutrients that should be included in your diet strategy is protein. As most bodybuilders should understand, taking adequate amounts of this macronutrient is essential. Typically, the body utilizes protein to repair damaged cells and build new ones. Yet, the downside is that the body cannot produce the needed protein completely on its own. Most especially during muscle building, it's likely that you'd be putting a lot of stress and tension on your muscular tissues, hence, it is needed to supp...

How To Reduce Man Breasts Effectively

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Every man wants to look great in their appearance just like ladies. Lots of men are plagued with the problem of how to reduce man breasts effectively. They want to know the natural means of reducing their breasts so that they will be a little bit manly in their looks. They do not want to resort to surgery in reducing their breasts because of its price. Surgery is very expensive and men want to find the effective ways of reducing breast in the natural way. Surgery may not be the best way in reducing man's breasts and it may lead to complications later on. The surgery for man's reduction breasts must only be done as the last resort after other methods do not work for them anymore. There are many factors that will certainly help man to reduce their breasts sizes in the right direction. These are just the natural means of having a man's breasts reduction which are not complicated and do not require you to pay any amount of money. The first thing that will certainly help redu...

How Do You Lose Weight From Fat and Build Muscle? The Role of Testosterone

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You are overweight with excess fat and are asking "how do you lose weight?" In order to achieve the best results, you should focus on losing fat while building muscle at the same time. How to lose the fat and build muscle is not hard to figure out, but takes work and dedication. You need to consider the effects of your testosterone levels on fat loss and muscle-building. Considering the following three factors to boost your testosterone levels naturally and help you in how to lose the fat. 1) Foods you eat: This one might seem like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised at how many people get it wrong. How do you lose weight and build muscle? Certainly not by eating junk food. How do you lose weight and build muscle? Not by dehydrating yourself and eating irregularly. How do you lose weight and build muscle? Not by burning less calories than you take in. Doing cardio is the way how to lose the fat. To fuel this cardio, you use some of the fat in your body as a source of p...

Benefits of Heavy Squats on Massive Muscle Gain

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In order to build muscle in an effective manner, you need to use free weights. This is because you are actually able to lift the heaviest weights using barbells. This enables you to gain more muscle because you are straining yourself more. This does not however mean that you need to stress your body into breaking down. It means that straining your muscles is good for them as they are able to build resistance as they heal which makes them stronger and even bigger than before. With the use of barbells, you are assured of safety because they facilitate natural movement. Your movements are fluid and they do not force your body into movements and patterns which are not natural. In addition, you are able to perform a wide variety of exercises with the barbells which helps to break the monotony and keep you not only motivated, but focused as well. The proper execution of barbell squats enables you to gain huge amounts of muscle on your body and they have been proven to be the most essentia...

The Best Chest Workout for Mass Must Work the Different Chest Muscles

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The chest is made up of 2 muscle groups, the Pectoralis Major and the Pectoralis Minor. However, when it comes to chest workouts and developing chest muscle, you don't really have to worry about the minor muscle group. It sits under the major pec muscle mass, and although it develops as you workout, and helps you build strength, it doesn't really contribute to the overall size and more importantly the look or mass of your chest. What's more important is that you focus on the fact the Pectoralis Major muscle is worked as if it is 3 separate muscle groups. This means that the best chest workout will include an upper, middle and lower chest exercises to develop all portions of the chest muscle mass. Working these 3 separate areas of the chest is mainly achieved by changing the angle at which you carry out the various chest workout routines. For your upper chest incline the bench to an angle no greater than 45 degrees. For the lower chest, lower the head of the bench to a si...

Top 7 Health Benefits of Whey Protein

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Whey protein is usually the first choice for those involved in rigorous workouts. However, whey has a larger role to play in terms of health benefits. These uses go easily unnoticed as whey is enshrouded with its fame to assist in muscle mass. In this article, let us uncover the 7 other health benefits of whey protein. Weight Management Whey protein is often used as a meal replacement. It takes a little longer while to digest than other proteins. The more it stays in the stomach, better it helps reduce food cravings. Stomach does not empty easily. This prompts you to lower your calorie intake. Whey also speeds up the metabolic activity. Storehouse of Amino Acids Even though proteins are known to contain amino acids, every protein may not be as efficient as whey. Whey protein is made up of all the 9 essential amino acids. These are the amino acids that cannot be obtained from dietary sources. This is why whey may even be considered as the best amino acid provider. The Power of BCAAs...

How Long After a Training Session, Do Muscles Continue to Grow?

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Muscle hypertrophy, it sounds like an avoidable disorder, but it's exactly what you want to achieve when you implement resistance training into your workouts. Hypertrophy is the increase in mass and girth of your existing muscle cells. It is a complex process activated by catalysts including: resistance of force, intensity, duration and frequency of workouts and the recovery period after workouts. During and after training sessions your muscles undergo the beginnings of growth but must also have time for recuperation, otherwise you experience muscle weakening from overuse. Growth prompting changes to your muscle tissue is triggered during your workout within two to four hours and continues for up to 24 hours. The length of time muscle growth sustains depends on the training session intensity, duration and trauma caused to the muscle cells. Essentially, during your workout the muscle cell organelles are subject to slight tears, which activate surrounding muscle cells outside of th...

What Burns the Most Calories - Fat or Muscle?

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It's weird I know, but it is a genuine scientific fact, (and not a well-known one). According to the science and research that fat can burn calories; it is estimated that one pound of fat burns two calories per day. So is the solution to gain weight to burn more calories? Of course not, but it's interesting to know anyway. So what about Muscle? How much Calories does that Burn? Medical experts aren't very clear on how much muscle burn calories exactly, but it is calculated to burn between 5-6 calories per day. When you stop and think about it... it's like a drop in the ocean! Continue reading, and you'll realize that muscle doesn't really increase our metabolisms as you may have thought it would (or should for that matter). Adding and Subtracting A simple example would be that if you lost 20 pounds of pure fat; you'd be burning 40 less calories per day, right? And if you gained 10 pounds of pure muscle; you'd be burning 60 more calories per day. So aft...

Diet to Cut Fat and Boost Metabolism

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The Evident Struggle to Lose Body Fat A friend of mine told me that now that he was in his late thirties, he couldn't lose any weight. He said that he went on a strict diet of eating nothing but chicken breasts and salads, as well as drinking green tea and mineral water. And after the first two weeks were over, he just gave up, because he only lost 1 pound. "At the rate that I'm going", he said, "It'll take me over a year for me to lose the 30 pounds of weight that's been bothering me". But if only he had kept to his diet... Whenever I give advice about dieting, I always tell them that "the first 2 weeks are like a runway..." And once you've reached the end of the runway (after 2 weeks) your body will adjust, and switch into "fat burning mode". Your body will in "fat storing mode" if you don't exercise regularly. And also... your body needs to be in a "semi-fasted" state (which is basically eating less...

The Dangers of Building Muscles Fast With Steroids

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Building muscle is a great way to condition yourself for sports and to create a healthier, happier body. However, building muscle fast is a goal that many people feel under great pressure to complete. This can lead them to doing unhealthy things with their bodies, such as using steroids or lifting too much weight and damaging their muscles. It's okay to want to build up muscles but doing so too fast isn't worth the problems it can cause. Sports often demand players to be as strong as possible. This is especially true of sports like football and weight lifting. Using steroids can seem like a quick and easy way to build muscles. However, the quick gain of muscles isn't worth the harm that steroids do to your body. Here is a quick list of problems caused by anabolic steroids. Effects on the Brain Anabolic steroids can cause adverse mood swings. This is because they are a synthetic version of a natural hormone in the body that causes people to become aggressive when necessa...

Core Exercises For Men - The Key To Great Abs

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Seeing as it's true that all males want a six pack, core exercises for men are incredibly important. And to be honest, it's a hugely overlooked area. Now, I'm not saying that abs or midsection exercises are overlooked, but the reality is that you'll get a much leaner midsection by working your core than by doing exercise that isolates abdominal muscles alone. Besides this, you'll be stronger, fitter and better looking by improving your core strength. Core exercises for men aren't the most advertised thing in the world. Check out the usage of the Swiss ball, or exercise ball, in any gym and I'll bet you more often than not, it's a woman using it. In fact, I'll put money on the fact that most guys have never even thought about the benefits they could get from using such an innocuous piece of equipment. Just think about it briefly. Why balance on a ball to do some crunches? If you haven't figured it out yet, it's because you need to balance wh...

5 Of The Best Fat Burning Foods To Lose Belly Fat

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Are you fed up with that bulge around the middle? Would you like to see it starting to shrink? If you would then not only do you need to be performing the right sorts of exercises but also eating the right kinds of foods. In this article we take a look what we consider to be some of the best fat burning foods to lose belly fat. Food 1 - Oatmeal Oatmeal contains a great deal of fibre and when eating in the morning can help to get your metabolism working effectively. So burning off fat becomes a lot easier. Also being rich in fibre you will discover that you won't feel as hungry as quickly. However make sure that you only eat natural oatmeal and not the flavoured varieties as they contain lots of sugar. Food 2 - Nuts We have included this as one of the best fat burning foods to lose belly fat because they really do help to suppress your appetite. If you don't feel hungry then of course the risk of you snacking is reduced. In a study carried out by the Purdue University it was f...

5 Top Bicep Techniques Usually Underestimated

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1. The first technique is by far the newest out of all the techniques and that is the squat curl. A squat curl is more for power than size, but at the very least increasing your strength will allow you to build more mass later on. Start with a normal stance feet shoulder with apart and dumbbells parallel to your body then squat down till the dumbbells touch the ground, then spring back up and curl at the same time. You can go very heavy on this exercise and you should in order to really overload your biceps. 2. The always famous incline curls. I started to do these long ago because of how well they isolate your biceps and really force a great contraction. When starting out, use less of an angle and light weight and work your way up to your normal weight. This exercise I would do at the end of a workout because of the amazing pump it gives you. 3. 21's! Yes the old favorite of 7,7,7 should be used every once in a while to really blast your biceps for major growth. The first 7 reps...

How Much Protein Is Enough For Growth?

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For years the accepted dogma was that 1g per lbs of body weight was the minimum protein intake an athlete or bodybuilder should consider in order to grow. This was idea was perpetuated by supplement companies saying that the more you train and the harder you train you should think about upping your protein intake to 1.5g/lbs or even 2g/lbs! How true is that though? We know that when you train you induce an injury response in your muscles. The more frequent the injury response, the more you grow or the more you adapt. What do you need in order for the muscles to grow? Well you need the three basic macronutrients - protein, carbohydrates and fat. Of course there are other micronutrients you require for various reactions in your body but for the most part we can assume they'll be contained in the wholefood we eat. People have been repeatedly spouting (and I'm guilty of this) that if you go below 1g per lbs of body weight you won't maintain the musculature you have. In fact, ...